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TalentDesk Blog

The Perfect Business Toolkit To Scale and Grow

How long do you think it will take to set up your new Freelancer Management System, transfer all your data and get it up and running? Spoiler: It’s less than an hour!

What is the Freelancer Economy - and Where Has it Come From?

Ask the average person what a freelancer is – never mind the freelancer economy – and they’ll be hard pushed to give you a definitive answer. Let's take a look at it's origin and growth.

Adopting a Freelancer Management System is easier than you think

How long do you think it will take to set up your new Freelancer Management System, transfer all your data and get it up and running? Spoiler: It’s less than an hour!

4 ways a Freelancer Management System can help young firms grow

For any young startup, the first couple of years of business are crucial. The one-time task of setting up an FMS can drive massive cost efficiencies in the long run.

7 Steps to Get Stakeholder Buy-in For a Freelancer Management System

You know you need a Freelancer Management System (FMS) to manage your fluid team – but how do you get buy-in from the rest of the business?

GDPR Compliance When Working With Freelancers

If you’re dealing with freelancers based in the EU, you need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here's an overview of the law and how it relates to Freelancer data.

The Benefits of Freelancer Platforms vs Outsourcing Agencies

Traditional HR departments are used to dealing with employees. The whole structure, strategy, processes and procedures are set up for this.

How Do You Manage a Team You've Never Met? (And Probably Never Will)

With the trend towards remote working – even for full-time employees – businesses are being forced to think differently about their working practices. This requires a change in attitude but it’s one worth adopting, given that happier staff lead to a happy work environment.

7 Steps to a Successful Freelancer Management System Implementation

With the green light given from the business for a Freelancer Management System (FMS), you’ll want to prepare for the implementation and adoption phase.