Bonus Payments - how do they work?

TalentDesk now allows managers to pay their providers "Bonus" payments independent of projects and tasks. As well as bonuses, the feature can be used to make any type of manual, one-off or out-of-project payment.

For a manager to pay a provider a "Bonus" payment. The feature must first be enabled by the Organisation Owner or someone with access to the organisation settings. 


To enable this feature:

1. Go to Settings > Payments

2. First, the Proforma Invoices functionality will need to be enabled. 

3. Once this is enabled, you'll have the option to "Allow managers to create bonus payments for Providers"

4. Enable this setting, and this will allow managers within your organisation to create bonus payments



To create a bonus payment for a provider, simply: 

1. Go to Team>Providers

2. Locate the profile of the provider you'd like to pay a bonus to 

3. Within their profile, click the "Pay a bonus" button in the top right corner



4. Specify the billing period for the bonus 

5. Specify the currency

6. Add a short description in the "Work" field 

7. Add the bonus payment amount in the "Fixed Rate" field

8. You can also add a custom invoice number if this is required 



9.  Add a summary of the work related to the bonus

10. You can also upload an external "Custom Invoice" as supporting material. Please make sure the invoice number of this invoice matches the one used in the proforma invoice. This is completely optional. 

11. Finally, click "Create Proforma Invoice"



The "Bonus" payment will then be automatically created and approved, and ready to be invoiced and paid at the next upcoming payment run. 


For any questions on the above please contact your CSM or


