Change default rate across all tasks

Managers can now change a provider's default rate and apply this across all of their existing tasks.

Whereas previously, to change the rate on a provider's tasks, a manager would need to do this task by task, managers can now change the provider's default rate on their profile and have this automatically applied across all of the provider's existing tasks. Please note this will only work where the provider is added to a task with their default rate


To allow your managers to do this, the Organisation Owner or someone with access to the organisation settings will need to enable the feature by following the below steps:

1. Go to Settings> General settings

2. Enable the "Allow Managers to apply default rate changes to existing tasks"



Once the feature is enabled, Managers with permission to edit a provider's rate can then utilize this feature by following the below steps:

1. Go to Team>Providers

2. Locate the provider profile you'd like to apply the rate changes to

3. Go to the Rates section

4. A provider may have multiple rates listed on their profile. Their default rate will be clearly marked like so: 



5. Click 'Edit' next to the default rate 

6. Enter the new rate you'd like to set as this provider's default rate 

7. Add a short summary message with a reason for the rate change 

8. Choose if you want to immediately approve the rate change by clicking "Yes". If you click "No" you will need to wait for the provider to review the rate change request and accept the new rate. 

9. Click "Change rate" 



10. The following pop-up will appear asking if you'd like to apply the new default rate to any of the provider's active tasks



11. Tick the box next to the tasks you would like to apply this rate change to 

12. Finally, click "Yes, update"



13.  You should then get a notification informing you that the tasks have been updated



If you have any questions on the above, please contact your CSM or


