Change a 'pending' document

Sent the wrong contract or forgot to send one? This article explains how to change a contract that's been sent to your provider to sign during their onboarding process.

If you need to change a contract you've sent to a provider when inviting them to the platform you can now do this as long as the contract is still in a 'pending' status and has not yet been signed. 

1. Go to the Teams>Providers

2. Locate the provider's profile you would like to change the contract for 

3. When viewing the Onboarding tab of a user’s profile, as a manager, any required contracts from their onboarding process are displayed. If any of them are pending, an alert box is displayed to emphasize this.

4. Click on the drop-down next to the contract you would like to change and click 'Cancel' if you do indeed need to cancel one. 

5. Otherwise click on 'Add contract' to select the contract you want to send to this provider 

6. Click on the dropdown to select the contract you would like to send.

7. Click 'Add' 

8. If they require countersigners, the form will request the emails are entered


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