Deferred Payouts

This feature allows providers to defer the payout of their invoices on TalentDesk and request a single payout for multiple invoices at a time of their choosing.

Instructions for Managers

To enable this feature for your organization, please contact your Customer Success Manager. 

Please note that enabling this feature will not change anything in your Organization’s payment process. This means that worksheet/expense/proforma submissions and approvals, as well as payments to TalentDesk, will remain the exact same. 

Instructions for Providers

Once the feature is enabled for your organization, you as a Provider can enable the feature on your account by following the below steps:

1. Go to Settings > Payments
2. You’ll be taken to the PAYMENT METHODS tab
3. Within this section, you’ll see ‘Instant payouts’. This will be enabled by default. When ‘Instant payouts’ is enabled, your invoices will be paid out as normal as soon as the funds are received by TalentDesk from your organisation.

4. To disable ‘Instant payouts’, simply click on the toggle 
5. You will then see a pop-up asking, ‘Are you sure you want to disable instant payouts?’ 
6. Click ‘Disable’ 

Any payments for upcoming invoices will now be stored on TalentDesk until you request a payout.

Requesting a payout

  • For providers who have disabled Instant Payouts, their Invoices section will now contain a new feature that displays the sum of all invoices that can be requested for payment.
  • Please note: It is not possible to request a selection of the invoices to be paid; the request for a payout will trigger a single payment for all unpaid invoices.
  • To request a payout of all unpaid invoices, click ‘Request payout.’

  • This will trigger a payout request to be sent to the TalentDesk Payments team who will then process a payment to you for the total amount of your unpaid invoices.

When Instant Payouts is disabled, you may see two new status types within your Invoices section: 

  1. Deferred Payment - means payment of the invoice is being held until requested.
  2. Cashout Requested - payment has been requested and is being processed by TalentDesk.

For any questions regarding Deferred payments, please contact your Customer Success Manager or

Thank you, 

Team TalentDesk!