How to request ad hoc contract confirmation and e-signature

This article covers how your organization can request contract confirmations or e-signatures from your established network of TalentDesk Providers through the platform.

To request contract Provider confirmation or e-signature you must have the e-signature feature enabled for your organization. Please reach out to your TalentDesk Customer Success Manager to turn this on if you have not already done so.

Refer to our article, E-Signature - how does it work? To learn how to upload contracts and get contracts executed by your providers at the onboarding level through the platform.

A small, pass-through fee per signature will be charged and reflected on your monthly TalentDesk license fee invoice.

Prefer to watch a video? See our video demonstrating how to request ad hoc document confirmation and e-signatures.

You may have a new or updated company contract, terms & conditions, NDAs, etc., that you would like existing providers in your TalentDesk network to review, agree to, and sign. 

To request contract confirmation or e-signature follow the steps below:

1. Go to Legal > Contract Templates

2. Identify the contract you need your Provider(s) to confirm and/or sign e.g. TalentDesk Freelancer Agreement

3. Click on the three dots ‘...’ next to the identified contract 

4. Select, ‘Request signatures”

6. Identify the Provider(s) you need to obtain contract signature(s) from by typing their name in the search bar.

7. Alternatively, if you need to request confirmation/signatures from a specific group of Providers or your entire Provider network, you can utilize the Groups feature to send this request out in bulk.

8. Finally, decide whether you will grant permission to the Provider(s) to continue working in their TalentDesk account(s) before signing the contract. 

9. If ‘Yes’, the Provider(s) will receive an email and in-site notification to review and sign the contract in the Documents tab of their profile. This allows the Provider(s) to complete this request at their convenience and to continue working on the platform.

10. If ‘No’, the Provider(s) will receive an email notification that they have a document pending confirmation. They will be required to review and sign the contract before they can continue working in TalentDesk.

11. If I document requires countersignature(s) by your management team, you will be notified that the Provider has completed the request and you can then countersign the contract.

12. Confirmed and signed contracts will be accessible under the ‘Documents’ tab on a Provder’s profile. 


To review the status of your contract requests go to:
  • Legal > Contract Templates
  • Select the contract
  • Click on the Confirmations tab at the top of the page
  • Review the status and details of all requests.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you need any further assistance please contact 


Thank you, 
