Removing the sales tax option from your provider's onboarding process

This article will cover how you as the Organization Owner can deactivate the step for your providers to add sales tax to their 'Get Started' onboarding process.

Organizations with direct mode payments (you pay your contractors outside of TalentDesk), can choose to remove the “Set your sales tax” get started step for contractors, by disabling the “Ask Contractors to set their local sales tax rate during their onboarding” setting. The contractor can still enter their sales tax in Settings > Payments > Sales tax, but they won't be required to in their get started steps. 


1. Go to My Settings

2. Click on 'Payments' 

3. Click on the 'INVOICES' tab

4. Go to the 'Ask Contractors to set their local sales tax during their onboarding' option 

5. Toggle off to disable this option 


6. Click on 'Deactivate' when the pop-up appears


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