Skills & Languages

Organisations can now require their Providers to add skills and languages during the Get Started process. To make this step mandatory, follow the below instructions.

1. Go to Settings > Forms & Templates

2. In the Onboarding Forms section you'll see "Onboarding settings" 

3. Under "Which additional onboarding steps do you want your providers to complete?" you'll see options for Skills and Languages

4. Simply tick the steps you want to become mandatory parts of the onboarding process, and anytime a provider is invited to join TalentDesk, they'll be prompted to complete these steps



When you're Providers accept their invite to join TalentDesk and begin their Get Started process, they see the steps displayed as shown below, along with any other steps you specified during the invitation process. 



Making these steps mandatory will provide your managers with a more comprehensive list of providers when they're looking for specific skills and languages.    



If you have any questions on the above, please reach out to your CSM or 


