U.S. businesses must file 1099s for their US providers earning $600+ annually. This can be done within TalentDesk or externally. This article details how providers can locate their 1099s if their organization has chosen to file 1099s via TalentDesk.
In most cases, 1099s should be available no later than the 31st of January each year. Once you’re organization has completed filing, you will be able to locate your 1099 by following the below steps:
1. Log on to your TalentDesk account
2. Click on your profile icon in the bottom left corner
3. Click ‘Profile’
4. Got to the ‘TAX’ section within your 'Profile'
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and here you’ll find your 1099 filing
6. Click ‘Download’ to download and save a copy
If your 1099 is not displayed here, then please reach out to support@talentdesk.io. We can inform you if your organization has chosen to file 1099s externally in which case you will need to reach out to them directly for any questions regarding your 1099 filing.
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