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Cut the Compliance Chaos & Enjoy Seamless HR Operations

For HR & Legal:

Our comprehensive platform offers a seamless experience for managing contracts, onboarding, Agent of Record (AOR) services, and classification protection, all while ensuring compliance and reducing your admin burden.

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HR & Legal
"In my team, we have cut our admin time in half, from the research operations point of view. The onboarding process has become smoother: contract signing, staffing freelancers into projects and evaluating the tasks is now done through one streamlined platform, which definitely helped us save a lot of time. [...] We’ve in fact estimated that we are saving 47% of our time on onboarding and work allocation."
Paige Lawson, Sourcing Specialist

Onboarding bliss that’s smooth from day one

Onboarding new talent has never been easier. Our platform allows you to create and customize onboarding workflows, letting you group freelancers together so you can find the best people for a task, instantly. You can also ensure all documents (contracts, NDAs, IP assignments etc.) are e-signed, reviewed and stored digitally. You’ll gain full visibility and control over the onboarding journey, making sure you can ramp your workforce up or down compliantly.
This is a collection of screenshots of how to create templates and freelancer teams

Sign, seal, and simplify your contracts

Managing contracts doesn't have to be a hassle. With our e-signing feature, you can easily get documents signed digitally, streamlining the process. Automate your workflows to reduce human errors and store signed legal documents (NDAs, Proof of Address) and important tax forms (W-9, W-8BEN etc.) in one secure place, ensuring easy access and organization. This means you can focus more on your business and less on paperwork.
Screenshots showing how TalentDesk helps with onboarding and document signing

We’ll handle your legal workload with our AOR

Our international Agent of Record (AOR) service provides an extra layer of protection for your business. We take on your tedious legal admin, including contract creation, freelancer background checks and KYC/AML checks, so you don’t have to. We act as a shield for your business by signing contracts on your behalf, letting you focus on what matters most. Allow yourself to rest easy knowing we have your legal matters covered.

Screenshots of the AOR and contract signing process with TalentDesk

Get your safety net for talent classification

Ensure your workers are correctly classified with our expert services. We assist you in the process of classifying your freelancers and contractors, reducing the risk of misclassification. If a classification error does occur, our misclassification indemnification has got you covered. This way, you stay compliant while you and your freelancers remain protected - we’ve always got your back.

Get Your Safety Net for Talent Classification

Simplify your freelancer management, amplify your success

Discover how TalentDesk can save you time and money.

From the blog...

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